Be Like WASC

Mt. Carmel High School will prepare its graduates
to be
Critical thinkers who
- access, organize, process and evaluate information in both
traditional and digital formats.
- use a variety of tools and resources to attain personal and career
- develop and apply problem-solving and decision-making skills.
- understand the consequences of actions as they relate to social,
ethical, and global issues.

Healthy individuals who
- adapt to changes.
- balance physical, mental, emotional and social wellness.
Effective communicators who
- adapt language and style in order to reach an audience.
- demonstrate proficiency with reading, listening, speaking, writing,
viewing and presenting.
- work individually and collaboratively.
- use appropriate technology to present and interact with others.
Community contributors who
- demonstrate respectful behavior and responsible citizenship.
- seek information on local, national and global concerns in order to
actively participate in a democratic society.
- work to improve the welfare of others.
- honor diversity and respect individual differences.

Knowledgeable individuals who
- demonstrate competence in academics, athletics and artistic
- access, evaluate and apply information using various mediums,
including technology.
- become lifelong learners.

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